Thursday, April 28, 2016

Beyond 2 Sides of Every Coin

We stand between the wordless flow and form of nature and the math that breaks it down into exact parts.

You may know this as the Golden Ratio, the Fibonacci Sequence or many other names. The math explains in detail how hurricanes spin, how shell spirals have a universal curve and how our bodies function with its own ratio.

Nature knows all this as "the path of least resistance;" what it has been doing long before humans discovered the pattern, applied the numbers and gave it its many names.

I'm taking a slight detour from Slam Poetry Lane to make a point about the angles and curves in which we look at things. How we learn to look at things. How (by our choosing) we perceive and interpret and speak it back in the form of action and more words.

We are limited by words to express the fullness of who we are and what we do in life and in our business. Our actions allow us to get a little farther in the corners of how we communicate who we are, but it's important to take into account our thought process when we make decisions and how we incorporate our words and actions.

What pine cones, sunflowers and galaxies teach us is that through the path of least resistance how, on a fundamental level, we are all the same. We have internal organs that help our bodies function. On an external level, most of us look different from one another and we all have different personalities.
We know all of this but sometimes some of us feel a severe unease when our business doesn't look like someone else's successful business. They forget hard work goes into making a business and the distractions slow us down.

We get distracted by jealousy, insecurity, anger and resentment and then wonder why our business isn't thriving as well as we'd like.

A sunflower could care less about which direction a galaxy spins.
A galaxy isn't slowed down by distraction.

So why do you suppose some humans feel like they are an exception to the rule?

This is a serious question and I'd like for you to offer an answer at the end of this post.


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